CS 197U - Spring 2019
Introduction to Unix
I highly recommend giving this your best effort, because it will assist you in future CS courses. There are plenty of opportunities for bonus points, but please see me if you are concerned about your grade. This is pass/fail, so any grade >= 70% (168 points) is a pass, and anything below is a fail.
Attendance: 10% | 24 points
Coming to Class: 10% | 24 points
- Each class session is worth two points.
Final Exam: 25% | 60 points
Format: Multiple choice, short answer, and written response
- Multiple Choice: 15 points
- Short Answer: 30 points
- Written Response: 15 points
- Bonus: 5 points
Quizzes: 25% | 60 points
Format: Multiple choice, short answer, online
- Due: Sundays, 11:59pm
- Count: Four, best three worth 20 points each; Bonus quiz replaces 2nd lowest
- Attempts: Unlimited, -2 points for each attempt
- The highest grade will be taken along with the attempt number. Ex: Attempt 1 is 60%, Attempt 2 is 100% - we’ll take Attempt 2 -2 points. Ex: Attempt 1 is 50%, Attempt 2 is 90%, Attempt 3 is 70% - we’ll take Attempt 2 -2 points.
Labs: 40% | 96 points
Format: Written response, online
- Due: Sundays, 11:59pm
- Count: Four, each worth 25 points, up to 96 total
- Late: -5 points each day late; can be submitted any time after 3 days for max of 10 points
- Class Time: 30-45 minutes to work in-class on Wednesdays
Participation: Up to 5%
- I will keep track of participation with regards to Piazza, office hours, and in-class participation. You can get up to 5% for this.
- This extra credit is cumulative, meaning you cannot get more points by posting a bunch in the last week, or seeing me four times across two days. There is a limit per week for participation.